Dr. Katerina Zacharia is a Professor of Classics, Greek history and culture expert, writer and narrative design consultant, dramaturge, filmmaker, producer, on-air host/reporter.

Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
1999 - present
Professor of Classics. Her academic and professional work explores Greek identity formation and myths of origin narratives in visual culture (photography, theatre and film).
Cacoyannis Foundation, Athens
2006 - present
Consultant on matters of Letters and the Arts. Dramaturge and producer of theatrical performances, seminars, and workshops.
Stanford Repertory Theatre, CA
2012 - 2018
Artistic Associate and Consultant.
USC, School of Cinematic Arts,
Creative Media & Behavioral Health Centre,
and University of Crete, Medical School
Summer 2019
Producing Partner.
Faculty Instructor, and film discussion moderator.
Hellenic American University, Athens
2016 - 2018
Study Abroad Program Collaborator.
Los Angeles Greek Film Festival (2012-present)
Director of Education (2015-present)
Programmer (2015-2018)
Jury member (2014)
Internships supervisor (2014-present)
Speaker (2012)
Alexander S. Onassis Public Foundation, Athens
Spring 2011
Foreign Research Fellow.
The Heritage Management Organization, Athens
Fall 2010
Visiting Senior Research Fellow.